Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

All movie's have a social group which it would be aimed at depending on which genre of movie you would be watching. An example of this would be horror, as horror's are not aimed at young children as the thing's which are involved in the movie are not suitable for there eyes. In the same way which a comedy age would be aimed at an older audience as they're going to understand the jokes and punch lines which are involved in the act. I would say that our thriller movie is aimed at teenagers + (so around the ages of 15-18 year olds). As the actor's involved in the movie are around that age it would automatically show off that it is not aimed at a younger audience. Also the title and genre of the film (thriller) are not generally suitable for a younger audience, so this also backs up our thriller. I would say that an older age range of people would also enjoy the film if they are interested in thrillers - but the main reasoning for the main social group it is aimed at being 15-18 year olds is that the actor's involved would be looked at by the peer's in more of an understandable way.

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