Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt from it to the full product?

Through out the duration of the Media course i have learnt a variety of different technique's with different equipment and i have also built on previous thing's learnt at GCSE in the creative and media diploma. By doing this it has allowed me to improve at certain thing's, such as using the gib has been improved as i now feel a lot more confident with using them. I have also learnt a lot of different thing's to do with the Media itself. Thing's like how thriller's were brought into the media in the first place, like alfred hitchcock's movie "psycho!" showed me different ways in which a thriller should be shot and brought across to the public's eye. It taught me how i could then go onto film my own thriller movie and be made to look effective. I have also built on my learning of a way in which a shot or camera angle can be used to build up suspense in a film and can create tension upon an object or person. Technique's such as these are very helpful for when it comes down to filming the final piece it allowed me to know what is good. Where as if i didn't know how to put all of these different shots and angles into my media product it would of made it a lot more dull and not as exciting for the viewers. During the period of the course i have also learnt how to work different software to its full potential, such things as final cut pro and garage band have been of great use to me. They have helped out a lot when it came down to the editing of the thriller movie itself. An example of these would be the way in which it has allowed me to add sound effects into the movie and change lighting on the actual filming itself. This is good because it automatically adds suspense to the final piece. 

Here is a link to the part of my blogger where i looked at shot sizes:

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

As soon as i started doing the Media Course in september we were introduced to a lot of different type's of Media. Such thing's as the ways to use Camera's to there best effect. This was good as by doing this right from the start we got introduced to good and different camera shot's which would be good to use in any movie. We also got introduced to the tripod and the gib, as they open up a wider range in which to use the camera's. We then got taught how to use said things which will be helpful for further filming that we may go onto use. During this process we got introduced to a variety of different camera's. In the end for the movie we used the Sony HVR-Z5, this camera has an excellent quality which was brilliant for filming our final piece. Also during the process of filming the end product we learnt how to use different software's to edit the final piece, such programs as garage band were use to add sound effect's into the final piece which add suspense to it.

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our target audience to our thriller movie by publishing it onto the web on site's which are often used by the teenage area, such website's as facebook, youtube and myspace are good for this as they are used on a general basis. We also attracted out audience by using people of the same age range  to act out the scene's in the thriller movie. This help's as it allows the people watching the thriller to understand the ways in which thing's have been done and the way the actor's dress (likewise with a lot of the teenage culture in the media today). Another thing which we used were different zoom's and shot sizes which help as it makes the movie look more interesting and adds suspense to the movie when needed. We also used pauses in the filming to add suspense to it, by doing this it show's of suspense in different ways than just one.

Here is the link to out thriller movie (Youtube):

Question 4

Who would the audience be for your film?

The audience for our filming would be a teenage audience as they can relate to the actor's involved. This would give off an age range of 15-18 year olds, but even by saying that an older audience of that again could be interested in viewing the film. The movie itself is not aimed at a younger audience as they would not understand the concept of the film and would possibly scare or confuse them. The reason why we decided to aim our thriller at this age range and not a younger one is because of the reason i just listed and as it is more expected of that sort of age range to be interested in watching a thriller based movie. By also researching into the thriller genre it allowed me to see over that it is overall aimed more at a male than female audience, but we have aimed our film at both gender's as it allows a bigger audience.

Question 3

What kind of Media Institution would distribute your media product and Why?

The sort of Media Institution which would distribute our thriller film would not be a big company such as Fox or Dreamwork's as they are for official box office filming, but it would be distributed on more of a web bases. The sort's of ways we would distribute the film would be such thing's as Facebook, Youtube or even Myspace. These sort's of site's would be good for our distribution as people (our age group) that we have targeted the film at use the website's on a regular bases. It would allow them to view them and comment on them giving us there general feedback which we would need to then go onto create more films or maybe even publish the film on a wider range. Other reason's for us to distribute our film via Youtube are that a wider range of or audience can access them, where as in store's it is not as easy. It also allows for an older age range of viewers to view the film, which if we then got feedback off of them we could maybe even say it was aimed at them.

Here are two of the logo's for the websites we would distribute the thriller movie on:

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

All movie's have a social group which it would be aimed at depending on which genre of movie you would be watching. An example of this would be horror, as horror's are not aimed at young children as the thing's which are involved in the movie are not suitable for there eyes. In the same way which a comedy age would be aimed at an older audience as they're going to understand the jokes and punch lines which are involved in the act. I would say that our thriller movie is aimed at teenagers + (so around the ages of 15-18 year olds). As the actor's involved in the movie are around that age it would automatically show off that it is not aimed at a younger audience. Also the title and genre of the film (thriller) are not generally suitable for a younger audience, so this also backs up our thriller. I would say that an older age range of people would also enjoy the film if they are interested in thrillers - but the main reasoning for the main social group it is aimed at being 15-18 year olds is that the actor's involved would be looked at by the peer's in more of an understandable way.