Wednesday 21 September 2011

Analysis Of SE7EN

SE7EN Opening Credits

The soundtrack to this video has a range of different sounds used, such as:- Screaming in the background  which gives off a scary atmosphere, eery sounds which create tension, war sounds (like gun shots) which makes the whole video become quite threatening, it also has a mixture of instruments and sound effects - this gives the video a variety of different techniques used. It also has a drum beat straight forward all through it, this makes it seem like something quite daunting it about to happen, as it builds up the bad atmosphere. You can also hear footstep's with a creaking sound behind them, this makes it think the viewer feel as if there is someone coming after somebody, it makes it really tense and somewhat worrying. Throughout the video is quite a ghostly sound which gives off the impression that the person on the video whom you can see his hands is not alone. The sound's all sound quite static and distorted as if something is going to go wrong or already has done. You can hear a quiet scratching noise which makes it seem like somebody is i desperate need of help - giving off the impression that someone is under great stress. You can hear an echoing throughout the video too which makes the atmosphere seem extremely tense.

The actual video itself of the opening credit's are along the same sort of level, the images given off in it make the whole thing seem scary too. On an overall view it is very disturbing and doesn't give off in any way a friendly atmosphere. It show's images of such things like images of dead people, razor blades, developing photo's which makes the viewer think why is this being done, many word's of sexual connotation are shown written down, there are a wide range of shadow's used which gives off a threatening feel to the clip. Overall the main coloring of the video is in sepia and it is very bland. This makes the video bring across emotion's such as passion, anger, unsettling. By doing this it makes the clip show exactly what it wants the viewer to see and feel. It makes them feel somewhat scared just from seeing the small clip at the start by showing of the little aspects of the movie which it holds.

Here are some shot's of the image's i am talking about:

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