Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Evidence for sound tracks

These are the item's that we used and recorded the sound's for our thriller from. By combining them all together in different ways it allowed us to have a variety of sounds to use.

By tapping them together it came up with a banging sound, like as if someone was tapping on a window.

By clicking the bubble wrap and making it burst this allowed us to have a quieter yet intriguing sound.

Banging the cans together creates a clacking sound, this sounds quite scary if used in the correct way. It could be used as quite a daunting sound.

By clicking the lighter and recording that it makes a clicky sound, this could then be edited once recorded to make it sound more daunting by making it echo.

Friday, 9 December 2011


This is the logo that we designed to put at the start of our thriller for the opening of it. to create the logo we firstly went onto to pick out a unique font for our logo, we then went onto photoshop and put together the image and put the name of our "company". And this was the final product.

Friday, 2 December 2011


This is the original storyboard which me, Tommy and Elliott produced for our Thriller movie. 

Rough first ideas

By putting our original idea's onto paper it allowed us to look back on them and see what thing's have been changed since we first started. This also allows us to go back and use older idea's too.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Further Camera Work

Learning to use the dolly: 

In this exercise we had an overall demonstration of how to use the dolly, then we were allowed to go onto experiment with it and get the gist of how to use it for ourselves. This was very helpful as it allowed me to use it for myself (hands on experience).

Learning to use the jib:

Likewise with the Dolly we had an overall demonstration of how to use the Jib, this was helpful as it showed us how to put it together and then go onto use it to it's best advantages. We then went onto experiment with it ourselves. This was good as it allowed me to get the hang of using it with other people.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Recce Photo's

This shot is very good as a starting point for the thriller, as it is a good establishing shot. It allows good camera shot's to be taken, and also show's off a variety of normal activities which people will be doing in the surrounding area.

Like the above shot this one is very similar, only looking the in the opposite direction. This could be used to show off the character looking in the opposite direction - maybe allowing suspense to be added to the opening scene?

Wem town hall could also be a good place to film, as from looking at the complex from the outside of it you can't be entirely sure of what it is. So to the audience watching the thriller the could think it was a working area or could be used as a restaurant.

This could be a good area to create suspense as it is just looking down a hall, which with effect's added into it could be made to look dark and mysterious. This can be good as it will make the audience think about what could be at the end of it/around the corner.

Friday, 11 November 2011


- Dark Color Correction
By doing this it will allow me to correct parts of the film into how dark i want them to be. So i will then be able to correct the whole view of it. This will make the film have a 'darker' feel and make it more tense to watch.

- Subdued
By doing this it will make the filming look more old fashioned and drained from color. This will give it a spooky feel in which the viewer will be able to tell that it is a thriller from this.

- B/W Cut Away
Use the black and white cut away as a way in which to go back in time, so that you could 'visit' something which has previously happened. By doing this it will make it more obvious in that your going back in time.

- Slow Pace
By using a slow pace this will add suspense to the movie, because it will make it seem like everything is taking 'forever' to happen. So it makes you conjure up different thought's in your head to what could happen. This will get the viewer's intrigued.

- Sound
In the background of the film i am going to put some eery sound's and scratching noises, this will make the film sound scary and daunting. By adding sound effect's and music it will change the whole atmosphere of the film.

- Grainy
By adding a grainy effect to certain part's in the film it will add to the daunting feel of the movie, it will also make the viewer try and focus more on what's happening at that precis moment in it. Making them more aware of what is going on.

- Shot's: Close Ups
By adding close up's in certain section's of the movie it will make the viewer know what they have to concentrate on and it will make them think about the certain part which is going on. This will add suspense to the movie which will then make the movie come across more of a thriller.

- Hand Written text
By using hand written text in the opening credits, i can make it look quite scary. Ill do this by making the text messy and like it's been done in a rush. I could put this across by writing it on note paper and then scanning this onto the opening scene of the movie.

- Film on a light day, then go onto edit
By doing the filming on a light day, this will be good as it will allow me to edit the film to make it look dark and dull. This will be good as it will give of a frightening affect.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Art of the Title


In the opening of the buried video, it starts off by bringing together the title "buried" via different lines and combining them together to make it the first video seem interesting. The title "buried" then goes off via a fade out. During the opening it has a daunting music in the background, this makes the viewer feel tense and somewhat scared. It then proceeds' to shoot off in different lines to come to the people involved in the making of the movie. It has a consisted coloring of orange and blue (keeping a constant theme). B using the lines it gives off some suspense, because it makes the viewer feel a bit worried and nervous to where it could take them. Via the lines it gives off images of different objects and scenes. 

Aagey Se Right

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Interview's about the thriller genre

Thrillers from the last 10 to 20 years

1990 - Die Hard 2

1993 - The Fugitive

1994 - Speed

1995 - Heat

1997 - L.A. Confidential

1998 - U.S. Marshals

2001 - Training Day

2002 - Dark Blue

2003 - Switchblade Romance

2004 - Shutter

2006 - 16 Blocks

2007 - We Own The Night

2008 - Pride and Glory

2009 - Brooklyn's Finest

What is a Thriller?

Thrillers are a genre of film which use elements such as suspense, tension and excitement (these are generally the main three used). Thrillers tend to bring out the mood of which the viewer is watching on screen to them, making them feel anxiety, uncertainty, suspense, terror or even excitement. This is what generally grabs the viewer's whole attention. Important information will generally be covered up with fight or chase scenes, these are common uses of thriller sub-genres. Yet every sub-genre in thriller uses/has its own methods and characteristics.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

In camera filming exercise

More editing from where tommy walks across the zebra crossing could be added to the video. And the shot from walking off for a while makes the video get boring. Shouldn't change sides.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Analysis of No Country For Old Men

In the opening scene of No Country For Men it starts off with a man talking about his grandfather, overlooking the beautiful views and surroundings of the area. Although it is showing off such beauty's it seems to have quite a daunting effect right from the begining, by doing this it shows the viewer that this movie is not going to be all happy ect. Another thing that may come to mind whilest looking at the surroundings is that the place is deserted, making the atmosphere of it seem someone lonely. As if to say that there was nobody around, but ofcorse you know there is. The question that may spring to mind, is who? By putting these thought's into the viewer's mind it makes them question what may occur. The view's are also either quite dark or bland, not showing any kind of happiness - as the dark reflects upon a bad atmosphere.

It then goes on to show a police officer putting a man and a oxygen tank into his car. This then define's the bad mood which runs throughout the opening scene. They then arrive at the police station, with the officer on the phone to who seems a leading officer, talking about the man in capture. But then as this happens the man begins to walk slowly up behind him and trap him around the neck via the handcuff's. Once he has him in his crasp he choak's him to death. At this point it goes in for a close up for maximum suspence, as now you can see the killer in full view. It then backs away into a two shot to let the viewer see him choaking the officer.

Here are some screenshots:

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Analysis Of SE7EN

SE7EN Opening Credits

The soundtrack to this video has a range of different sounds used, such as:- Screaming in the background  which gives off a scary atmosphere, eery sounds which create tension, war sounds (like gun shots) which makes the whole video become quite threatening, it also has a mixture of instruments and sound effects - this gives the video a variety of different techniques used. It also has a drum beat straight forward all through it, this makes it seem like something quite daunting it about to happen, as it builds up the bad atmosphere. You can also hear footstep's with a creaking sound behind them, this makes it think the viewer feel as if there is someone coming after somebody, it makes it really tense and somewhat worrying. Throughout the video is quite a ghostly sound which gives off the impression that the person on the video whom you can see his hands is not alone. The sound's all sound quite static and distorted as if something is going to go wrong or already has done. You can hear a quiet scratching noise which makes it seem like somebody is i desperate need of help - giving off the impression that someone is under great stress. You can hear an echoing throughout the video too which makes the atmosphere seem extremely tense.

The actual video itself of the opening credit's are along the same sort of level, the images given off in it make the whole thing seem scary too. On an overall view it is very disturbing and doesn't give off in any way a friendly atmosphere. It show's images of such things like images of dead people, razor blades, developing photo's which makes the viewer think why is this being done, many word's of sexual connotation are shown written down, there are a wide range of shadow's used which gives off a threatening feel to the clip. Overall the main coloring of the video is in sepia and it is very bland. This makes the video bring across emotion's such as passion, anger, unsettling. By doing this it makes the clip show exactly what it wants the viewer to see and feel. It makes them feel somewhat scared just from seeing the small clip at the start by showing of the little aspects of the movie which it holds.

Here are some shot's of the image's i am talking about: